Department of investment policy,
projects, international relations,
tourism and city promotion
Ivano-Frankivsk city council
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#NEF Research of design and development departments of manufacturing companies in Ivano-Frankivsk region


      As part of the New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk project, we meet many businesses and entrepreneurs who are either already innovating and developing new products or are planning to implement this area in their activities.

      To better understand the situation with the state of R&D in companies, we conducted a study analyzing the following:

  • The state of research and development in companies - whether they implement new developments, design new products, launch improved products (new modifications), etc;
  • How the R&D process is organized, to whom the R&D departments report, whether a separate budget is determined, etc;
  • What challenges do companies face in R&D?
  • How does the interaction in R&D take place - do they cooperate with universities, contractors, consultants, clients, etc;
  • Whether they practice the protection of intellectual property rights (patents) and how they deal with this issue;
  • Whether traditional manufacturing companies with experience are developing R&D departments or whether relatively young companies are creating such departments;

      The focus of the research is on businesses that have production facilities in Ivano-Frankivsk region. We studied and analyzed their research and development units, development departments, laboratories, cross-functional teams, etc. The document describes successful product or service developments, outlines the main features and challenges in research and development activities, the necessary competencies for specialized teams, and identifies aspects of intellectual property rights protection.

     To organize the research, the team of the project partner, PPV Economic Development Agency, selected companies and conducted further interviews with the heads of companies/departments located and operating in Ivano-Frankivsk region and Kalush city.

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