IFSynergy - cross-border cooperation in SMART management of water supply systems in Siedlce and Ivano-Frankivsk (PL-UA 2021-2027)
Program: Interreg Next Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027
Lead Partner: Water Supply and Sewage Company Ltd in Siedlce (Poland)
Partner: Executive Committee of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
Total project amount: EUR 1 603 384.50
Budget for Ivano-Frankivsk: EUR 601 351
The main objective of the project “IFSynergy - Cross-border cooperation in SMART management of water supply systems in Siedlce and Ivano-Frankivsk” is to make the system of monitoring and management of urban water supply technologically efficient, modern, and up-to-date by improving the water supply network and installing new modern equipment with new monitoring and management systems (IT) and, as a result, to achieve in both cities a reduction in water losses and an increase in the quality of drinking water for all residents.
The project also involves improving communication services for the population using new IT solutions (GIS systems, chatbots, new methods of access and payment) and, as a result, better services for citizens, especially for people with disabilities, and raising environmental awareness of water use in Siedlce and Ivano-Frankivsk.
Start: 1 September 2024
Duration: 24 months
Information about the project is on the website of Lead Partner from Siedlce: https://pwik.siedlce.pl/contents/171
Lead partner of the IFSynergy project has signed a grant agreement!
The project's kick-off press conference was held in Ivano-Frankivsk!