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#NEF The new economy of Ivano-Frankivsk: introducing the community of scientists and entrepreneurs


     One of the tasks of the "New economy of Ivano-Frankivsk” project is the development of applied science and stimulation of appearing science-intensive businesses in Ivano-Frankivsk. Within the framework of the project, a scientific laboratory will be opened on the territory of one of the buildings of the Promprylad.Renovation innovation center. And even now the business and science communities interact with each other at joint events, in joint projects and activities.

     The networking "Technology of Biodesign: how does it work on practice" became a unique event for Ivano-Frankivsk, because united different topics: science, business, and art. Entrepreneurs visited the science laboratory at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Precarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk and attended lection from Dasha Tsapenko, who in the science lab in the Netherlands studies topics about agro-industry, food, and sustainable fashion combining innovations, design and art. Introduction to applied science during the tour to the biolaboratory of micro-clone plant propagation at the department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Precarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk appeared to be an interesting experience for entrepreneurs.

     After numerous questions for scientists and reviewing different boxes and offices, there is an understanding of what scientists doing here and how their developments work in practice. What is micro-clone propagation of plants, and what it has to do with the laboratory? This is a modern kind of plant propagation in sterile conditions, in which, as a result of optimal physical and chemical balance the uniform planting material that is cleared from viruses and diseases is being grown. The micro-clonal propagation makes it possible to improve the quality of seedlings, which are more difficult to grow under natural conditions.

     The growth efficiency of such plants is about 30% higher than that of ordinary plants propagated by other methods. For what they are doing it? For breeding of new crops, strengthening certain characteristics of plants, and improving the quality of planting material. Each plant needs a certain set of macro- and micro-elements, phytohormones, and vitamins. Scientists develop the best ratios of these elements to create an environment for plant propagation, this process can take up to 1-3 years. How plants are chosen? Usually, these are plants that are interesting from the scientific point and those, which agro-industrial market requires, for example, seedlings of crops new to Ukraine, or those, which are difficult to grow under normal conditions.

     Frost-resistant kiwis, roses, dwarf bananas, and various berries are grown here: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, gynura (a medical plant that lowers blood glucose levels and has the potential to treat diabetes). Not only edible types of plants are studied and grown. Does science help business and how the results of the research are used? Scientists say that mainly the results of their work are scientific articles and patents.

     But in this laboratory, for example, they can give recommendations to agro-business regarding the optimal amount of nutrients in the environment, in which the plant grows. This allows for optimizing budgets for the use of fertilizers. They can develop the best environments for plant acclimatization, and improve some of the features of this or other types of seedlings, for example, frost resistance. And they will also give consultation to agricultural enterprises about the creation of their own laboratory.

     Associate professors of the Department, Dmytro Hospodaryov and Viktor Husak, explained in detail what scientists do in the laboratory and showed how everything works. The head of the Department, Maria Bailak, introduced us to the research that scientists are currently working on. After a tour of the laboratory, the participants attended a lecture from Dasha Tsapenko, a biodesigner, lecturer at the Design Academy Eindhoven, researcher of biodesign.

     Dasha also works with plants, she creates "living" clothing using the technology of biodesign. The designer lived for 23 years in Ukraine and lives in the Netherlands for 7 years. After studying at the design academy, the first projects were related to architecture. Later, she became interested in clothing and its effect on human body. This is how the idea of creating "living" clothing, in which sprouts of plants are combined with various materials, came about.

     The clothes that Dasha develops are mycelium, sprouted on hemp material. There is a lot of research and art, but through art, according to Dasha, we can change the perception of clothing and the meaning of fashion in the future. Including biology in clothing design is a relatively new technology today, and biodesigner is developing this direction.

     The networking took place within the framework of the project "New economy of Ivano-Frankivsk (NEF)" it is a project that envisages the process of transformation of the city into a competitive innovative economic center. The project is implemented by a consortium of partners: The executive committee of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, Promprylad.Renovation innovative center, METALAB urban laboratory, agency of economic development PPV Knowledge Networks and Teple Misto platform.