#NEF From the laboratory to commercialization: the path of science-intensive products through the levels of technological readiness
Technology Readiness Level – it is a technology maturity assessment system.
Technologies are "ripening" for widespread use, going through the life path from level to level. What we use every day in life – from the mobile touch screen to the energy storage in case of power outages – it's all technology, which once made their way from TRL1 to TRL9.
The evaluation system is based on a scale of nine levels, where 1 is the lowest, basic readiness level, 9 is the highest. There are a total of 9 levels of technological readiness.
First of all, this system was developed at NASA (The USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration) for control by the technology development process. Using this system allows consistent, on the same level understanding to discuss technical maturity different types of technologies.
The European Commission advised research and innovation projects, funded by the EU, adopt the scale in 2010. In particular, the system was used in 2014 in the EU in the Horizon 2020 program.
Technology cannot move to the next level automatically. In order for the technology to be assigned a certain level, it must meet the criteria for this level. For example, if a TRL of 4 is reached, TRL 5 is not automatically assigned, but only after the technology will meet level 5 parameters.
Applied developments (technologies) feed on the results of fundamental research – without understanding the properties of materials, phenomena, structures, processes, systems, it is difficult to develop new technologies. That's why it's so important to have a working connection (chain) of fundamental research – applied developments – commercialization of technologies.
You can find out more on the website.
Implement the "New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk" project together with the Executive Committee of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, the Promprylad.Renovation, innovation center, the METALAB urban laboratory, the PPV Knowledge Networks economic development agency, and the Warm City platform.