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#Part4CM The aim of the RO-UA Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation project is, among other things, to draw attention to the harmful factors that negatively affect the environment and ways to redu



Undoubtedly, environmental issues are global and should be addressed at the international level. However, despite the limited success of international environmental agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol, many countries today encourage their citizens to use alternative fuels and environmentally friendly transportation through legislation.

Even in developed countries, environmental laws and regulations did not appear overnight, but only with a keen understanding that uncontrolled emissions of harmful substances into the air, soil and water would lead to an environmental disaster and negative impact on public health.

The leader in the field of environmental management system standardization is the United Kingdom, where in 1992 the British Standard for Environmental Management Systems BS 7750 (British Standard for Environmental Management Systems) was adopted, prepared and issued by the British Standards Institute. This standard was later used in other European countries (Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, etc.) as a national standard. Today, the world continues to care about the environment and invest in environmental protection. Since the beginning of 2022, environmental projects of various scales have been implemented in different countries around the world. In particular, these are projects in the field of alternative energy, plantation preservation, and recycling.

The RO-UA Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation project is funded by the European Union through the European Neighborhood Instrument and co-financed by the countries participating in the ENI CBC Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 Program.