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#Part4CM Within the framework of the RO-UA Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation project, we disseminate information to raise awareness about renewable energy sources and reduce the negative i


What are renewable energy sources? Renewable energy sources are relatively constant or cyclical energy flows that are associated with the existence of the universe, the solar system and our planet. Oil, gas, and uranium reserves are not infinite. The use of these natural resources degrades the environment and threatens all life on Earth.

Unlike hydrocarbon and nuclear deposits, alternative energy is almost endless and safe to use. Renewable energy sources include: - Water energy (river flow, waves, tides) - Geo- and hydrothermal sources - Sunlight - Wind The list of alternative sources can also include heat and electricity or raw materials obtained from manufacturing and agricultural processes:

- Gas from biomass

- Fuel from processed plant residues, alcohols, oils

- Methane from coal mine degassing

- Blast furnace and coke oven gases

- Heat from machinery cooling circuits As we can see, there are many renewable energy sources, we just need to learn how to obtain them and use them rationally.

The RO-UA Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation project is funded by the European Union through the European Neighborhood Instrument and co-financed by the countries participating in the ENI CBC Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 Program.