Department of investment policy,
projects, international relations,
tourism and city promotion
Ivano-Frankivsk city council
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The French Development Agency is ready to help and provide development support for our communities!


     Today, a meeting of the profile deputy mayors on investment policy, communal services and energy saving with official representatives of the "French Development Agency" (AFD) group. The group's activities cover a wide range of sectors: energy transition, environmental protection, sustainable community development, water supply and wastewater treatment, economic development, governance, as well as support for the financial and private sectors using tools such as grants, investment loans and infrastructure development, budget financing and technical assistance programs.

     The purpose of the meeting was to analyze the situation and assess the potential of the Ivano-Frankivsk community to outline possible ways of cooperation in the direction of providing material and technical assistance.

     The needs in the field of communal services, energy saving, beautification and wellness were mainly discussed. Among the voiced problems that require attracting assistance from foreign partners were the need to create a rehabilitation center, modernization of old and replacement with new heating systems and water treatment systems in the territorial community. We also talked about the need to switch to more mechanized activities of communal enterprises engaged in cleaning the city, replacing outdated equipment for repair work with new ones, increasing the number of public transport units, etc. The need to support large infrastructure projects in the city, including the construction of a new bridge, was also discussed.

     We also had the opportunity to share the experience of cooperation with international financial organizations, such as the EBRD and the World Bank, in the direction of implementing major projects in the residential and communal areas of the city.

     We sincerely hope for mutually beneficial cooperation and assistance from our partners. The representatives of the foreign delegation assured of their support and great desire to help in the reconstruction of Ukraine, in particular, they are ready to share the experience of EU membership and the transition to new European standards in all spheres of the city's life.