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#NEF How an energy company improves operational processes: a business case


       We met with the team "Prykarpattiaoblenergo" to inquire about the company's participation in international projects for the implementation of innovative solutions, however, during a preliminary conversation with Andrii Hrabchuk, head of the strategic planning department, we learned an interesting internal company project to improve internal business processes and asked to share their experience. Request for consulting on business processes within the framework of consulting programs of the New Economy Ivano-Frankivsk project is one of the most frequent. And the practical experience of the company, which implements these tools will be useful for entrepreneurs.

        Yaroslav Onufreychuk, head of the business analytics group and description of business processes, told how Prykarpattiaoblenergo approaches the optimization of business processes, what tools are used and how a small business can start the optimization process.



- Yaroslav, where does the improvement of business processes begin?

       Yaroslav: We work according to a certain algorithm. First, we take part of the process, structure all the information about it in detail: who performs, when, for how long, based on what, why, etc. Then we perform a functional analysis, during which we determine where there are redundant functions, contradictory, inaccuracies, risks and later we work on an optimization proposal: where you can reduce, remove unnecessary steps, functions, which can be replaced or transferred to the software layer. Then we form a regulation, how and in what sequence each function should be performed.

       In large companies usually special software is used for this, which allows not only to find problems, but also to form regulations in accordance with the current legislation. We at "Prykarpattiaoblenergo" also work with such software – German program ARIS. It allows for time analysis of processes, that is, determine how much time is required to perform each process, which is analyzed. This allows you to calculate the cost of each process in working hours and relative to the required time intervals (day, month, year). 

       Our company has been optimizing business processes for quite some time, about 13 years. But this is an constant process, here you can not introduce changes once or improvement and stop. This is a constant work on improvement, communication, adaptation, etc. As practice shows, if some process remains unchanged for a long time, he is inactive, lifeless. There is no process that is frozen and does not change.

        Full article at the link.

        Implement the "New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk" project together with the Executive Committee of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, the Promprylad.Renovation, innovation center, the METALAB urban laboratory, the PPV Knowledge Networks economic development agency, and the Warm City platform.