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#Part4CM Within the framework of the Romania-Ukraine Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation project, we are trying to raise awareness of environmental issues, the green economy, climate change,


The topic of energy efficiency is extremely broad. It covers the use of modern, energy-saving and alternative energy sources and management systems, helps to reduce energy consumption and operating costs, ensures the rational use of resources and saves consumers' costs. At the country level, it helps to reduce the level of imported energy and slow down the depletion of domestic energy resources, and at the global level, by reducing energy production, it helps to reduce greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions and contributes to the improvement of the global environment and health.

Thus, almost everyone benefits from the implementation of energy efficiency measures. After all, they have a positive impact on the family budget, the environment, saving the country's resources, and increasing industrial productivity. That is why it is so important to implement energy efficient technologies both at the individual and national level.

The RO-UA Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation project is funded by the European Union through the European Neighborhood Instrument and co-financed by the countries participating in the ENI CBC Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 Program.