Department of investment policy,
projects, international relations,
tourism and city promotion
Ivano-Frankivsk city council
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A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Prosvita Institute NGO


       Ihor Popadiuk, Director of the Department of Investment Policy, Projects, International Relations, Tourism and City Promotions of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the NGO "Institute of Enlightenment".

       The Memorandum envisages fruitful cooperation within the framework of the Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI 4) Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The purpose of the Memorandum is to organize broad cooperation between the parties to improve coordination of joint actions and efforts, exchange of experience with other communities to improve the ability of local governments to address local issues and priorities.

      The main areas of cooperation include the organization of meetings and focus groups, joint working meetings, seminars, conferences and workshops, mutual invitation of experts on specific issues, as well as promotional and informational support for initiatives.

      We look forward to fruitful cooperation in the future!