Department of investment policy,
projects, international relations,
tourism and city promotion
Ivano-Frankivsk city council
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The Department's representatives took part in a meeting of the General Assembly of the Association of European Prize Cities.


     The Assembly meeting was held in the partner city of Lublin, which holds the EaPeReg presidency starting in 2023. During the event, important issues were discussed, including the geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe and the cohesion of the European community around the problem of the war in Ukraine.

     In addition, the event also included a meeting of young delegates from the member countries of the Association of European Prize Cities. The youth meeting included events about life in the EU, including a presentation of a girl's life in Ukraine in the context of war and a seminar "Building Trust in Integration Based on European Values.

     Representatives of our delegation had the opportunity to present a project that envisages the opening of a rehabilitation center in Ivano-Frankivsk for the needs of military and civilian victims of the war. To create this center, it is necessary to involve as many stakeholders and partners as possible, so this year's meeting of friends of the cities awarded the Europe Prize was also an opportunity to join a good cause and support the initiative of Ivano-Frankivsk. As part of the Assembly's program, participants had the opportunity to attend the Night of Culture, a cultural event held annually in the city of Lublin. During this night, people are allowed to attend free theater performances, concerts of classical, popular, gospel and folk music, exhibitions, film screenings or street events.

      At the end of the General Assembly meeting, the heads of the delegations of the participating cities signed the declarations of the cities awarded the European Prize for Solidarity with Ukraine.

      The meeting of partners ended with a trip to Lviv, where the participants met with the mayor and visited the Lychakiv Cemetery.

      It should be noted that during the meeting of the General Assembly of the Association of Cities awarded the Prize of Europe, Ivano-Frankivsk received an award on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of cooperation between Ivano-Frankivsk and Lublin from the President of the City of Lublin, Mr. Krystof Zuk, Chairman of the Association.

     So, dear partners, colleagues and friends from Lublin! Krzysztof Żuk/ Krzysztof Stanowski, Ewelina Graban

     This significant date is a testament to our mutual commitment, close cooperation and friendly relations that have developed and strengthened over the years.

     During this time, our cities have achieved significant success in various fields - cultural, educational, economic and social. Joint projects, exchanges of experience and mutual support have become the foundation for building strong relationships that contribute to the development of our communities.

     We are sincerely grateful to our Polish friends for their openness, friendliness and cooperation. Lublin and Ivano-Frankivsk have become an example of how friendship and cooperation can bring real results and improve the lives of our citizens. 

     We wish our relations to continue to strengthen, opening up new horizons and opportunities for both cities. Let this cooperation serve as an example for other cities and countries, demonstrating that joint efforts can change the world for the better.