Department of investment policy,
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tourism and city promotion
Ivano-Frankivsk city council
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#SRER Meet the PAVUK team


       Meet the PAVUK team - the winners of the Competition for Supporting Innovative Entrepreneurship Development in Ivano-Frankivsk City Territorial Community 2024! Thanks to the voucher for the creative economy, the team is actively working on implementing important initiatives:

  • Creation of marketing materials
  • Content design
  • Development of a promotion strategy

       The PAVUK brand aims to revive and popularize the ancient Ukrainian tradition of weaving straw spiders. In the modern pace of life, especially in big cities, there is no time, means, or opportunity to grow and harvest rye for spiders. That's why PAVUK's goal is to bring everyone closer to this magic by offering straw spider kits. This allows you not only to get a unique and exquisite decoration, but also to preserve a valuable tradition.

      The brand has successfully launched and plans to scale up, create new models of straw spiders, and expand production. A significant part of marketing is information activities, research and search for historical references, creation and distribution of materials to introduce the tradition and the product, visualization and adaptation in the lives of modern Ukrainians.

     The PAVUK team aims to create new straw products, adapt the website into English, and produce kits in English for distribution abroad. This will help draw attention to Ukrainian traditions on the international stage.

     Accept with joy, create with pride, and cherish with trepidation.