#SRER A modern recording studio will appear in the historic Potocki Palace
Thanks to the project initiative "Creating Infrastructure for Businesses Affected by the War," which is being implemented as part of the Support for Rapid Economic Recovery of Ukrainian Municipalities (SRER) project, a modern recording studio will appear in the historic Potocki Palace. This space will become a multifunctional platform for creating a variety of audio content - from music recordings to podcasts, audiobooks, dubbing, and other media.
The studio will open up wide opportunities for local artists, musicians, journalists, and local businesses working in the field of audio production. All of them will be able to use professional equipment and modern facilities, which will significantly improve the quality of their projects. In addition, the studio will become a place for the development of podcasts, film dubbing, audiobook recording, and other formats, strengthening the city's position in the audio industry. This will help raise the level of local culture and creativity to a new level
The recording studio will become an important development point for Ivano-Frankivsk, helping to attract more creative projects and develop the cultural infrastructure. It will also support relocated businesses seeking to resume their operations. The ability to create a variety of audio content will allow the city to expand its capabilities in audio production. The studio will become a platform for talent, supporting their professional growth and increasing Ivano-Frankivsk's competitiveness on the cultural map of Ukraine.
This studio will become a platform for the development of audio formats, contributing to the growth of new initiatives in the field of media and culture
UNDP Ukraine / ПРООН в УкраїніGIZ Ukraine #GIZ_Trade_EU_UA_Association
This material was created by Ivano-Frankivsk City Council within the framework of the project “Support for the Rapid Economic Recovery of Ukrainian Municipalities” (SRER), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine with the support of the international cooperation project ReACT4UA (“Application and Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the Field of Trade”), funded by the German Government and implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.