Department of investment policy,
projects, international relations,
tourism and city promotion
Ivano-Frankivsk city council
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#NEF Implementation of the
A series of publications about the project in the Reporter will allow you to learn more about the project's goal, the partners implementing it, and the events and activities that have already been held and are planned for the next two years
#JCulture We continue a series of informative lectures for young people as part of the project
This time, students of the Ivano-Frankivsk Professional Construction Lyceum and the Faculty of Tourism of the Precarpathian National University had the opportunity to learn more about the history of Jews in our city
#ALTHERA As a part of a project, the Project Monitoring and Implementation Officer visited the Central City Children's Hospital
During the visit, they discussed the scope of work performed, the schedule of planned implementation activities, and further cooperation for the implementation of the project
#JCulture We held another series of informative lectures for young people related to the history of the Jewish community in our city
The young people learn about the first Jewish settlements in the area, where our city is now located, and about their lifestyle and crafts at the time of the founding of Stanislaviv by the Potocki family.
All entries: 647