Department of investment policy,
projects, international relations,
tourism and city promotion
Ivano-Frankivsk city council
Innovation Development Investment Tourism Business International Cooperation EU Promotion Strategy Market Trade Values Integration Grants Image Diplomacy Partners Projects Features


Business Monday with the Mayor at the «Adamson» enterprise!
Limited Liability Company "Service Company "Adamson" has been providing energy-saving and energy efficiency services since 2015 and is one of the first in Ivano-Frankivsk and Ukraine
#ALTHERA An updated and improved rehabilitation department was opened as part of the ALTERA - Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano-Frankivsk project
The availability of modern equipment and medical staff trained through exchanges of experience and training will ensure qualified care for young patients.
The second year of the NEF project has officially ended!
We discussed the two years of the project: reflections, achievements, and accomplishments.
#SRER Representatives from Ivano-Frankivsk took part in a training on community capacity building
On 21-22 March, a training was held to strengthen the capacity of communities to restore and develop their economic potential.
On 8 April, registration for the online course "European Integration for Ukrainian Municipalities" will be completed!
We talk about the first of five learning modules "Cohesion Policy and European Territorial Cooperation".
All entries: 570