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#Part4CM Due to the global environmental situation, it is important to promote the transition to renewable energy sources
Analysts at the International Energy Agency (IEA) predict that two-thirds of the growth in renewable energy sources (RES) will come from wind and solar power.
#Part4CM The project aims to draw attention to the problem of climate change. One of the ways to do this at the global level is the "Earth Hour"
The global Earth Hour campaign is one of the largest international environmental campaigns, during which people turn off lighting and electrical appliances for an hour to show their willingness to use natural resources sparingly.
#Part4CM Given the seriousness of the climate change problem, the project aims to raise awareness of the climate situation and measures to prevent further negative consequences
The United Nations Security Council has recognized climate change as a serious threat to the security of the world, a problem that not only damages the environment but also undermines political, economic and social systems.
#Part4CM Given the global climate and environmental situation, the project aims to raise awareness of the use of energy sources that do not cause significant environmental damage.
Over the past two decades, the capacity of renewable energy sources (RES) has increased rapidly, and 2020 saw the highest increase since 1999.
#Part4CM As part of the project, we inform, in particular, about legislative initiatives aimed at protecting the environment.
At its meeting on February 3, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading the draft law No. 3755 on amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses
#Part4CM The problem of climate change is undoubtedly global.
Therefore, the Romania-Ukraine Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation project envisages a number of activities, including raising awareness of this problem and possible solutions.
All entries: 649